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How The Lord Blessed Us Abundantly

July 2020  I would like to magnify the Lord's works in our life. When I was agnostic, my love relationships always turns sour and full of heartbreaks and even the relationship with my family and employers was far from good. I have so many health issues also caused psychologically like insomnia, depression, migraines which might be because of my eyeglass, skin disorders and many others. Although I have a good salary in Singapore, seem there is a hole in my pocket that I really could not save, and investing in assets was not even in my vocabulary, I was only living in the moment. Everything turns around when the time even I don't know yet the Lord, I decided to follow him and know him more. The current relationship I had then was a Christian who prayed for me that is why I became like him. Then within a month after our water baptism, we got married on June 2012 and our relationship becomes better. All other relationships that I had started to get better too thanks to God as He co

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