How The Lord Blessed Us Abundantly

July 2020 

I would like to magnify the Lord's works in our life. When I was agnostic, my love relationships always turns sour and full of heartbreaks and even the relationship with my family and employers was far from good. I have so many health issues also caused psychologically like insomnia, depression, migraines which might be because of my eyeglass, skin disorders and many others. Although I have a good salary in Singapore, seem there is a hole in my pocket that I really could not save, and investing in assets was not even in my vocabulary, I was only living in the moment.

Everything turns around when the time even I don't know yet the Lord, I decided to follow him and know him more. The current relationship I had then was a Christian who prayed for me that is why I became like him. Then within a month after our water baptism, we got married on June 2012 and our relationship becomes better. All other relationships that I had started to get better too thanks to God as He continually pouring wisdom and guidance, I am not saying they are perfect but far better than before.
My health issues had miraculously cured, I even stopped using my eyeglasses (500 grade), I had enough eyesight for all I need. I had peace from the Lord that relieved my issues in sleeping, depression and all other skin diseases.

Financial blessings was the one that is too obvious. That same year we got married we able to fully paid a house in Makati, but our problem in that house was a very small parking. My husband prayed that the owner of the compound would sell us 1 meter so that once we park we still can walk easily beside. The owner did not let us buy 1 meter but after a couple of months, the owner went back to us and offered us the whole compound. Yes God made us a steward of that compound of 5 rental houses in Makati, we were able to fully paid in 3 years period, that was amazing! That was only the beginning: the next were Commercial properties, and another building with 4 Storeys all in Makati fully rented which allow us to help many people employed. The commercial properties initially has gym, laundry and water station - we were able to pay within four years, the original owner remained there and paying us rent and if she cannot it will be deducted from the cost of house so that is why we were able to pay slowly. That commercial property now has been transformed and more establishment is there like dental, Internet shop and house rental. These are just to name a few of the financial blessing that the Lord entrusted us.

Just like what happened to Solomon who was so blessed he had forgotten some of the precepts of God, it also happened to us somehow after 8 years since I accepted the Lord. Some depression and relationship issues arise but the Lord is so good and saved us again a couple of months back by bringing a Christian family to our life ... to be continued.




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