Prayers Journal (Answered and Pending in His Perfect Time)

Ephesians 5:20 Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

I wished I started this journal earlier, anyway late is better than never. I'll try to note even tiny or great blessings daily as much I can. I've learned not to wait until the worst scenario happens then ask the Lord's help, but to pray for everything and be anxious for nothing - easier said than done.


On Nov-2019 The next post is on this link.

Oct 9 2019

Prayer for Accountability Partner in Memorization - Answered Prayer

I've just posted on 7th Oct below and tonight I just realized I was added in a messenger group that created by one of a brother from I really didn't know what was that group for but an hour ago I messaged there if someone would be interested to join in my plan to memorize and someone already confirmed he will try to join me for Romans which should start this 13th. Much more to that, there is another brother for 2nd Peter most likely after we memorized Romans. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ! Truly if we ask anything under His will, He hears us! (from 1st John) and another in Matthew that says 'Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find'. Praise His words, for His words are true and reliable.


Oct 7 2019

Prayer for Accountability Partner in Memorization in God's Perfect Time

I've always wished I could have someone to memorize with. I am so glad I managed to encourage my children to start memorizing whole chapters and my 16 year old to have a whole book. Though for younger we need to give them rewards which is also biblical way of encouraging what is good for them. My prayer is that I could find someone who would be on the same phase I do. For starters they will start in isolated verse, then whole chapters maybe 1 verse a day but for me would be about 5 verses a day. I am praying one day the Lord will send someone, even just sending messages in WhatsApp or Messenger for encouragement on our schedules, better yet if we have the same book memorizing!


Oct 7 2019 

Prayer for all Good Reports in my Medical Exam

I have signed up for the free company health check, for the first time! I'd like to say first that our family believed in divine healing since 2012. When we started, we follow some other strong believers on this grace of the Lord who says you don't even need to go for check-up. When any of our family member is sick, the elder will lay hands and they will recover as stated in James 5.

However I am aware some who we started with who have this such great faith also falls asleep in the Lord earlier than expected. Having family for me to support and young children to disciple, in my age 39, I rather want to know where I am really standing in my physical body in the natural reports of medical practitioners and ask for deliverance of the Lord if we find any bad report, and I would know where to take extra care. I have high respects to people I know that has full trust in the Lord, who don't even have the urge to go for check-ups, for they have great faith in the Lord. In Romans 14, it says each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.

Well, even a very strong Christian Dereck Prince who had a healing ministry once said he said in his life that he will never need the help of doctors, but later on he has a revelation from the Lord that this is called pride. He also was diagnosed to have cancer and healed by the Lord by laying hands. My idea is how will he know he needs to be delivered of what if he didn't go for check-up. Anyway for this chance its free.

So today in the morning I asked my 5-year old son that we pray together. We prayed that the health check will all be perfectly normal, for the Lord guards me from any disease. The results is answered prayer!. All are normal, praise God!. Even my BMI falls into normal, while I thought my weight might be higher than normal. Though I will continue to take care of this only vessel I have until the Lord transform my lowly body to the promised glorious body same as our Lord Jesus on His day. Praise God!

Matthew 11:19

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.


Oct 5 2019

Released from TV Addiction

Praise the Lord that I am really released from my uncontrolled watching of TV, still I do my best to guard myself, not to be complacent like I did before and before I know it I was hook agian. I have an article I posted in my Memorizing NT blog on this link since this is the major hindrance for my memorization goals and staying sober. I now have a healthy relationship with the TV in our living room, it can stay open when anyone is watching (if I am there and I had no choice) without me being hypnotized, because my desire is no longer in what the world offers.

Here's the link again:


Oct 2017

My Answered Prayer all Natural Birth Testimony

My tummy really looks so huge and ultrasound consistently shows he's 2 weeks heavier than average, last one was 3.2kg at 38 weeks, and it could get bigger the doctor said.  She commented I am quite small to carry huge babies (since she help to delivery my other baby Gabriel in 3.7kg).

To refresh on my delivery for Gabriel, my prayer was just to come out of the delivery room alive both me and my baby in natural birth, its because at same age 34, my mother died giving birth and both of them didn't make it. Of course it was answered prayer but I had some difficulty walking afterwards with longer healing time since I had SPD...this time, I had requested for something seem impossible - for I know all are possible in God.

Imagine the reaction of the doctor considering how big my baby for my body when I requested I prefer all natural birthing no caesarean, no epidural, no pain reliever and no cutting called "episiotomy" - let it be natural tearing and I'll pray to my God. I believe if it can be as natural as possible then would result to quicker healing. She was like shocked and didn't promised any, and she just said "we will try normal delivery".  I know it is so normal to do episiotomy in hospitals, that's their normal practice.

I skipped the next week appointment and came back on labor at 39 weeks. I was admitted in labor room at around 3am on 27 Oct, so the doctor is not yet in - they decide not to call her thinking I might labor longer like four more hours and just in time when my doctor comes at 6AM.

At 5:45AM I said the baby is coming out soon so they rushed to call the doctor and she just arrived 3 minutes before baby came out, in one push at 5:51am, he's 2.98kg which is average weight - in God's perfect timing! What if I was admitted at normal hour of the day, things might be different, maybe they will do the episiotomy. My water bag also burst together with the baby's exit (Yes! no need to rupture artificially). My recovery was quick. This proves if we put our trust in the Lord in everything - for sure He will act, He is our good shepherd. All glory to God our Heavenly Father in Jesus name.

Jeremiah 32:27
“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?

Proverbs 3:5
Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.


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