Changing a Habit for the Better

"Teach us to number of days that we may get a heart of wisdom" Psalm 90:12

HABIT - remove H still "a bit", remove "a" - still "bit", take "b" you still have "it". The biggest problem is "I" and the only way is to look at the cross "t". Do not look at "I" but in the "T".


Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God

Hebrews 12:1-2


There are some habits I am struggling to change, it isn't really bothering that much but sometimes as I progressed memorizing more verses that allure them, it grieves my spirit. My heart longs to be pure in everything, being mindful that the Lord has brought me from death to life.

Thanks God that some are down, for example my tragic use of Facebook before, then watching too much TV in this journal link. The way I did is I also journalize it with prayers so today I want to start journalizing this habit I want to change to make me accountable for it.

My prayer is to consistently early wake up in the morning, before 6AM and will remove my habit of being late at work, to clock in before 8:20AM (work ends at 6PM with 1 hour travel one way). So far I have been doing it for the last 5 working days and I would like to continue this in the help of the Lord. I know I have been grieving the Spirit on this matter, my flesh gives me all the excuses like "my heart breaks when my baby cries as I leave so I stay few more minutes", "no one complains what time I come as long I am doing my job well", "the work hour is too long and my strategical thinking is hampered if I don't be easy on this area, my results are better if I am more relaxed". However there are many verses in the books that I recite monthly that grieve me when I clock in late, for example "Keep your conduct honorable among the Gentiles" 1 Peter 2:12 and also "show yourself in all respect to be a model of good work" Titus 2:12 and many others. Ephesians 6 also talks about serving while mindful of Christ whether free or bondservant for whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord.

Sometimes I do think of retiring sooner, actually I firmly believe it is possible with some life adjustments. I do not agree that serving long hours would be more productive, I believe my job role could work better when more relaxed, but I am an employee and I have to follow policies. Honestly I am a bit cautious to ask the Lord a prayer to be released from being an employee of men as He really answers prayers but if I think all other factors like peace in my family - it might not be the best decision, thus I will leave this idea first. I just cast all my anxiety to the Lord and just do what I can do now. I have plotted my memorizing schedule with work times, and somehow it works well even compared to when I have so much freedom. I'll continue to ask help from the Lord to remove any hindrance and weight that prevents me in this "race that is set before us". He knows my heart and I know he will set the rightful environment for me to be prepared for the works He prepared beforehand.

Feels happy that I had been clocking in within the grace period, on the 10th day - today 8:18AM. I automatically wake up before my alarm at 5:30AM. I now lift my head to anyone early in the morning and greet them with all confidence for my heart is not condemning me. Also, this has significantly increased the number of chapter I could recite a day - seem I was given another hour in my daily life, Halleluiah!!!. I know this is a simple thing but  I want myself to be accountable so I log as a journal. I'd like to be faithful in small things like the faithful servant (Matthew 25:14-30) who was given only two talents, lesser than the previous servant who has been given five talents but the praise of the master is same, 'well done, good and faithful servant'. I would not like to be on the shoes of the one given a talent and buried it until the master returns - maybe that means having some gift or stewardship but the servant did not do anything about it. I think the master wont reprimand that much if at least that servant had risked and even it did not profit or even lost - at least he showed the effort and gratefulness of the trust that was given to him, well that is my take.

Matthew 25:23 
His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
2 Timothy 2:5
An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.


The days had passed and I could have updated this that I could not always keep up my goal to change my habit to avoid being late at work but yes I did improved drastically and also I am waking up early almost so consistent.  Maybe just one or two days I miss that out because of my 26 months old son forgotten he no longer breastfeeds and wakes me up at middle of night for it.

While I am grateful that I had more time now that I learned to wake up earlier, I am super happy for this, but I have doubts if it is worth it to do this change to keep up on the requirement of my full time job. Here's my next post on my biggest goals in life, I've got to check if my actions aligns to them.


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