My Biggest Goals in Life

Three months back, I set a goal to memorize Romans and I am track on it and I am looking forward to achieve it before Christmas 2019. One thing I did is to let other people know instead of keeping it myself - and it works wonders. I felt accountable and committed on doing it. So I thought I will also write down my biggest goals and if in case it is not God's time yet, maybe I could fall somehow into it nearer to that milestone. For to aim in nothing - will really end in nothing. So here are my biggest goals:

Live my Life for My Lord, and not to Shrink on His Day 

I need to put this on top of all my goals for everything else doesn't matter even I gain the world and lose my soul. Maybe I will find better words for this, my Lord knows my heart.

Memorize the New Testament by 2023

I'm on track on this, 25% base on this 5-year schedule. I had bigger dreams than these like the entire bible but since I could not put a schedule yet, it remains as just a dream (remember: a goal is a dream with a deadline). I believe that a goal is challenging only if it is achievable, so if I don't have enough belief I could make it, I try not to set it so I start with the NT first and once its done then I could set a bigger goal next.

Retire in my full time job at age 40

My 40th birthday is 10 months away and I know the right term is "it's scary" and something a daughter of the world's Creator shouldn't even say but by that time I have another 12 months technically to act and decide.

In my recent post, had changed my habit to wake up early and I am so grateful to add more hours in my life! I will never regret this decision and action I did ever. I do my best that my actions align to achieve my long term goals.

However lately I really had to question do I really want this lifestyle to rush going to work every day? I recap my goals for many years ago - to retire at 40. Somehow because of situations like my husband lost his job (but now he had already), scary crime news back home so not a good idea to retire there and some other things had happened that I tend to set aside that goal. Then I find myself slipping out and no longer acting to reach that goal and I look into living my day in faith that my Lord will take care of everything, I just focused on my daily memorization timeline to remove these thoughts out of my mind. Today I wanted to rekindle my goals, and reign in the freedom God has given to all who believe. I will pray for this without ceasing. I am not saying to retire is to stop working - just retire in a 8-6 daily full employee life and work flexibly for a living and still be there for my family. Sometimes we wish things, but if we don't act or full of fears - it will stay as a wish.

Recently I fell into the "just imagine" state but I felt frustrated that I do the same things every day and how could things change. I ask myself, is it worth it to spend 12 hours a day away from home to earn a living and letting another person take care of my 2 & 5 year old children? then I go home both are zombie minded because the gadgets are their past time. Now I admit when I am at home I am really tired from work and I just let them use the gadgets few more minutes so I have my rest as I settle down and be the mother I suppose to be. This is not the life that I wanted. the only way for me is to start to act and have faith. Yet making sure I won't compromise my morale and faith in my Lord, but to redeem the time He gave, make use of the gifts He gave me.

Yes the full time job had enabled me to have consistent time to do my memorization goal - but when work become stressful or some controversies arise - I also could not keep up in my personal schedule, I had to sacrifice important bonding times with my family and start to feel frustrated and confused if my goal is wrong or I am not doing things right. I am not asking for "more time" to spend on selfish passions but to be a better disciple of my Lord - to be a better person, a better parent, better sister in Christ, better wife to my beloved husband and be ready and heedful for whatever good works the Lord has prepared for me. So today I had written down as specific as I can and will continue to pray and work on this.



  1. Reading above goals, I put "Retire from my full time job at 40" I wrote on Dec 8, 2019 before Pandemic arise... that is merely because I need to go to work physically and I spend 12 hours away from home. I put that in my vision board "Work from Home" by Sept 2020 and it is ANSWERED PRAYER in a different way - I thought it would be through my Digital Marketing Business but it happened through the Covid-19, now we work 100% at home and I loved my job again!

    I didn't have fast result in my digital business compared to others who able to quit their job after few months because I am so cautious on the first goal "Live my Life for My Lord, and not to Shrink on His Day ". If I would would follow the track of those who succeed in the Digital Business in a FAST way, they put all their heart and soul as if it will cause their life if they miss to do something for the business JUST FELT SO WRONG for me because it would become an idol.

    Yes its true in a business you can only have "RESULT" or "EXCUSE", maybe mine is excuse but I rather keep my soul and heart in the right place.

    I am now 6 months in the business and I am still finding my brand, my own identity as a loyal servant of Christ and do the business, I know it would be slow but I really don't mind. I want my content would be about the words of God, about living the Christian life... because now I am not really in pressure because the Lord granted my prayer to work at home already. The reason why I still want to succeed is hopefully I could make bible related content that hopefully would encourage people to draw near to Christ and God the Father.

  2. Note to self that I stopped the Online business after about less a year. I console myself that it's not a failure but a learning journey. I thank God loved me so much not to prosper on that because it drives my heart away from spiritual matters. Not that I already made it myself I still struggle to this - forgetting the past and thinking forward. Even after stopping the business on 2020 I could not stand back to continue my 5-year goal for hiding God's words in my heart and let it change me - I wasted a few years of my life because I felt like I was brainwashed in the deceitfulness of the world that the word of God that I fervently kept in my heart could not be even used by the Holy Spirit to bring me back to my peaceful walk in life at that time - so experience thought me, whatever 'method' that does not bring me closer to know God more is not for me. I will restart my goal on Jan 2024. So that's why I ask the Lord to satisfy me with long life to cover these blunders that I get on my way.


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